How We Can Improve Your Walkway Safety

What Are Walkway and Safety Lines?

There are a number of things you can do to improve your walkway safety. For example, clear signage around your facilities will encourage foot traffic in particular directions and paths, averting potential safety hazards. Most important of all, though, is to install tried and tested mansafe safety testing like roof walkway systems. These will help you to avoid accidents in the workplace and there are a variety of options depending on your requirements.

Our expert roof safety engineers are used to identifying and creating bespoke roof safety solutions and flat roof walkways systems are one of the most popular options for improving walkway safety. They’ll keep your employees safe when they’re working at a high level but we also have vertical safety systems and anchors available for those who work up ladders and other vertical heights.

Not only this, but we also offer mansafe system testing to make sure your current applications are functioning soundly. For a reliable safety line inspection, choose A1 Height Safety today. No matter what your floor design or durability requirements, we have a safety solution for you. 

Why Are Walkway and Safety Lines Important?

Personal fall protection is a different form of collective fall protection, such as guardrails, which are always classified as active and don’t actually require the person to be trained in their usage. Safety lines, similar to harnesses, need training and competence to make sure they are used as they should be. The level of control puts overall protection above personal protection, however, there are applications in place where safety lines can have a purpose.
In addition to this, line marking is vital in helping to optimise storage areas and segregation for pedestrians. Our service provides a highly durable and necessary line marking for external areas and also internal warehouses alongside walkways. 

Supporting Your Walkway and Safety Lines Requirements

The standard guidance is to have your safety lines inspected, tested, and certified annually. There are many reasons as to why they may no longer be fit for use. Perhaps the risk has changed in nature over time so that the lines are less applicable. The lines themselves may have been damaged and marked, reducing their readability. Or maybe rules and regulations have changed since they were last checked.

Either way, here at A1 Height Safety, we are able to design and install a broad range of walkway systems and safety lines so that you can work at height safely.

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